Club Management Resources
Club Management Information
Club officers can contact the student life manager anytime with questions regarding club management at Here are a few resources commonly helpful for club officers:
- Club Handbook (information on starting a club, keeping clubs active, planning events, finances, and more)
- Club Finances (information on withdrawing funds, reimbursement, and payment from the Office of Accounting)
- Club Event Approval Checklist (for all club events)
- City of College Place Event Permit (for events in need of city approval)
- Reserve an Event Facility
- Change Club Name
- DEI Planning Guide

CHE Certified Club
Become a CHE Certified Club!
The Center for Humanitarian Engagement (CHE) is interested in collaborating with you to enrich the experience of your club members and provide mentorship and leadership development to your club’s leaders. Among other things, we offer:
- Catered volunteer opportunities and service activities for your club
- 1 on 1 regular mentorship meetings with Director Lopez
- Access to apply for seed grant funds for your club’s service activities
- Access to CHE’s Tool Library for service activities
- Access to post volunteer opportunities campus/community wide through Get Connected (volunteer base of 4,100)
- Special features on university social media channels
Clubs will commit to:
- Involving at least 50% of members in 1 service activity per quarter
- Promote service opportunities in communication to members (emails and social media)
- Adopt one service project as a club for Fall Service Day and Spring Tri-College Community Day. First choice is given to CHE Certified Clubs
- Send one leader to represent at the Fall Leadership Retreat at no cost to the club
- Host a Blue Zones Project purpose workshop for club members
If this sounds interesting to you, contact David Lopez ( or call CHE at 509-527-2100 for more information about how to qualify.
For a list of programs and volunteer opportunities visit